If Epson R290 printer shows problem message “The Printer’s Ink Pads at the end of Their service life” and Epson R290 printer has red light blinking problem: You need to download and reset Epson R290 printer Waste Ink Pads Counter with Epson R290 Resetter () Epson R290 printer Waste Ink Pads Counter overflow error and how to repair that Epson R290 printer and every Epson Printers have an internal Waste Ink Pads to collect the wasted ink during the process of cleaning and printing. Reading the note (in Bahasa Indonesia) seems like this program.
I asked my friend about this, and he told me to googling with keyword: resetter Epson r290. Epson Stylus photo R290 is a great printer. In new window check Particular adjustment mode. Run AdjProg.exe program under Windows XP or under Windows 7 or Vista IN XP Compatibility mode. Download the (Epson R290) adjustment program from Save archive and unpack by WinZip 3. Reset Epson R340 / R350 Download Adjustment program VIP Printer Service. Reset Epson R300/310/320 Download Adjustment program VIP Printer Service. Reset Epson R290 Download Adjustment program VIP Printer Service.